Conspiracy Research as a Catalyst for Change
by Reid Mukai
With the novel "1984",
George Orwell successfully predicted society's development of
"double-speak": the use and acceptance of words with two, often
opposing meanings. Subtle forms of double-speak are rampant throughout American
culture today with the common use of deceptive euphemisms (ie.
"peacekeepers", "collateral
damage" and "post-traumatic stress disorder") and doctrinal
meanings: usage of words in mainstream media and current political discourse
that tend to serve the interests of the ruling class (ie.
"family values", "racial
preferences", and "free enterprise"). In the case of the word
"conspiracy" the doctrinal meaning has become so prevailent
it's often mistaken for the dictionary meaning, which is how we've arrived at
the present situation where the term is practically synonymous with
"paranoid delusion" or "fabricated story". The dictionary
definition of a conspiracy, as I understand it, is a crime committed by a group
of people in secret. Of course, what constitutes a criminal act could be
determined by more than one particular set of laws or values, and within widely
different contexts. What's perceived as criminal to an indigenous community,
for example, may be "standard operating procedure" for a militant
empire and vice-versa. As anyone familiar with the Hawaiian sovereignty
movement can attest to, Hawaii's statehood, certainly "legal" to
America, was the end result of a conspiracy initiated by leaders of the
islands' five wealthiest plantation corporations with the support of key
corporate, military, media, and political figures. Similar incidents have
happened to indigenous peoples across the globe, but very rarely are those from
countries who committed the injustices taught to view such episodes as morally
unjust or criminal, if they are taught about them at all. This common inability
of society to fairly judge itself points to one of the reasons why education
and research outside of mainstream political and academic circles is, while not
always accurate or substantial, often essential for a less distorted view of
the world as well as a potential challenge to authoritarian elements of
society. The number of people in a conspiratorial "group" can be as
few as two people to as many as an entire global monoculture, in varying
degrees of involvement. If the idea of a global monoculture seems far-fetched,
consider these statistics reported by Robert W. McChesney
in a recent essay on the current state of mass media: in 1983 there were 50
major US conglomerates, while in 1999, less than 2 dozen mega-corporations
dominate almost the entire realm of global commercial media. The recent
AOL-Time Warner merger will in all likelihood lead to another wave of mergers
which will soon bring the number of competing multinational media conglomerates
down to just a handful. So why should such a shining example of Capitalism at
work seem like a conspiracy? The media mergers are part of a larger trend of corporate
consolidation and monopolization in all aspects of the marketplace. Obviously,
eliminating competition is not a good thing for the majority of the population,
and is especially harmful when it concerns the communications industry. Media
has a powerful affect on culture, socialization, cognitive development, and
perception, with the potential to influence not only elections, but thoughts,
opinions, attitudes, emotions, relationships, and behavior.
When this capability becomes monopolized by a cabal of billionaires, we get the
system we see developing today: self-censoring, jingoistic, corporate-interest
journalism, hypercommercialism of everything, and
increasingly insipid, mediocre mass entertainment products for mass
consumption. Though perhaps not completely intentional, it has the net effect
of regulating consciousness and accelerating global ecocide. By buying into
this socio-economic pyramid scheme we both imprison and implicate ourselves in
the conspiracy. As far as the aspect of "secretiveness" of
conspiracies, it doesn't necessarilly mean that its
existence and operation are kept completely concealed behind locked doors. A
conspiracy could be broadcasted live on cable T.V. and still be
"secret" as long as the majority of the population doesn't even
perceive a conspiracy taking place. Take the World Trade Organization, which is
obviously not a secret group but still, very little is known about them from
what is presented on the news (or allowed to be reported). One would have to
look a little beyond mainstream networks to realize this group of corporate
elites are responsible for setting trade agreements that place governments of
less prosperous countries at the mercy of multinational conglomerates. The
decisions they make (during meetings so secret even mainstream media can't
attend) often have the effect of undermining or neutralizing locally enacted
laws designed to ensure the safety of workers, non-workers, consumers and the
environment. As I've attempted to illustrate with these examples, it's neither
irrational nor paranoid to be aware of conspiracies because many exist, often
so familiar they're taken for granted by most. However, like the terms
"truth", "justice", and "freedom",
"conspiracy" is more a relative, non-absolute ideal than a definite
thing. It's also a useful analytical, contextual framework with which data
relating to a perceived problem or injustice can be connected and organized.
With a less rigid, open understanding of "conspiracy", society can be
deconstructed into various interracting, symbiotic
conspiracies rather than viewed as an unyielding, monolithic and permanent
institution. By creating a more accurate and useful vision of the overrall system there's a better chance of arriving at
effective, workable solutions. This is what I consider one of the most valuable
and essential roles of conspiracy research, but I realize it's not for
everyone. To examine a situation through a conspiratorial lens is to put
oneself in a skeptical, adversarial role against
vast, complex, and intangible forces that others either can't perceive, deny
exists, or do not consider harmful, unjust, or avoidable. It's often an uncomfortableand frightening experience to question one's
most deeply ingrainedbeliefs and prejudices. It also
takes a sense of stability and balance to seriously consider evidence of a
conspiracy and its implications without becoming steeped in anger and disgust,
incapacitated by chronic despair and disillusion, or overly distrustful of
oneself and others. On top of that, in matters of public debate there's bound
to be opposition, usually from those most naive about or faithful to
establishment institutions (ie. school, church,
government, military, and corporations) or from those who benefit most from a
continuing conspiracy. This is not to say that there aren't conspiracy theories
which are wildly speculative and delusional. However, to believe those are the
only types of conspiracies is to understand a very narrow, stereotypical aspect
of the term, and to ignore a majority of documented, proven crimes committed by
governments, businesses and armed forces. A major role of the conspiracy
theorist ought to be to inducequestioning and
critical thinking about all beliefs and assumptions, not to encourage blind
acceptance of a single dogmatic version of reality. Rather than be predisposed
to automatically dismiss or reject claims of a conspiracy, I encourage others
to learn about them, do independant research, and
openly discuss or debate such topics with others. Done properly, a conspiracy
theory can be a means of investigating the truth concerning systemic problems
that harm the majority of people and in some cases the ecological balance as
well. Conspiracies can't last for long when enough people, armed with
knowledge, begin to confront the source of problems and take appropriate