by George Lakoff
A tutorial on framing by George Lakoff.
Carry out the following directive:
think of an elephant!
It is, of course, a directive that cannot be carried
out — and that is the point. In order to purposefully not
think of an elephant, you have to think of an elephant. There are four
Moral 1. Every word evokes a
A frame is a conceptual structure used in thinking.
The word elephant evokes a frame with an image of an elephant and certain
knowledge: an elephant is a large animal (a mammal) with large floppy ears, a
trunk that functions like both a nose and a hand,
large stump-like legs, and so on.
Moral 2: Words defined within a frame evoke the
The word "trunk" as in the sentence Sam
picked up the peanut with his trunk evokes the Elephant Frame and suggests that
"Sam" is the name of an elephant.
Moral 3: Negating a frame evokes the frame.
Moral 4: Evoking a frame reinforces that frame.
Every frame is realized in
the brain by neural circuitry. Every time a neural circuit is
activated, it is strengthened.
Know about Framing
On the day that George W.
Bush took office, the words "tax relief" started appearing in White
House communiqués to the press and in official speeches and reports by
conservatives. Let us look in detail at the framing evoked by this term.
The word relief evokes a frame in which there is a
blameless Afflicted Person who we identify with and who has
some Affliction, some pain or harm that is imposed by some external
Cause-of-pain. Relief is the taking away of the pain or harm, and it is brought about by some Reliever-of-pain.
The Relief frame is an instance of a more general
Rescue scenario, in which there a Hero (The Reliever-of-pain), a Victim (the
Afflicted), a Crime (the Affliction), A Villain (the Cause-of-affliction), and
a Rescue (the Pain Relief). The Hero is inherently good, the Villain is evil,
and the Victim after the Rescue owes gratitude to the Hero.
The term tax relief evokes all of this and more.
Taxes, in this phrase, are the Affliction (the Crime), proponents of taxes are
the Causes-of Affliction (the Villains), the taxpayer is the Afflicted Victim,
and the proponents of "tax relief" are the Heroes who deserve the
taxpayers' gratitude.
Every time the phrase tax relief is used and heard or
read by millions of people, the more this view of taxation as an affliction and
conservatives as heroes gets reinforced.
Last week, President Bush started using the slogan
"Tax relief creates jobs." Looking at the Relief Frame, we see that
afflictions and pain can be quantified, and there can
be more or less relief. By the logic of framing (NOT the
logic of economics!), if tax relief creates jobs, then more tax relief creates
more jobs. That is just how the president has been arguing for increasing
tax cuts from $350 billion to $550 billion. The new frame incorporates the old
Tax Relief frame into a new TaxReliefCreatesJobs
Now suppose that a Democratic Senator goes on one of
those Fox News shows in which there is a conservative and a liberal arguing.
The way these shows work is that the conservative host states an issue using a
conservative framing of that issue. The conservative host says:
"President Bush has observed that more tax relief creates more jobs. You
have voted against increased tax relief. Why?"
The Senator is caught. Any
attempt to answer the question as asked simply reinforces both the Tax Relief
Frame and the TaxReliefCreatesJobs Frame. The
question builds in a conservative worldview and false
"facts". Even to deny that "tax
relief creates jobs" accepts the Tax Relief frame and reinforces the TaxReliefCreatesJobs frame.
The only response is to reframe. But
you can't do it in a soundbite unless an appropriate
Democratic language has been built up in advance. With more time, one can
bridge to another frame. But that frame has to be
comprehensible in advance.
Conservatives have worked for decades to establish
the metaphors of taxation as a burden, an affliction, and an unfair punishment
– all of which require "relief." They have also,
over decades, built up the frame in which the wealthy create jobs, and
giving them more wealth creates more jobs.
The power of these frames cannot be
overcome immediately. Frame development takes time and work. Democrats
have to start reframing now and keep at it. Democratic reframing must express
fundamental Democratic values: empathy, responsibility, fairness, community,
cooperation, doing our fair share.
Progressives have to articulate over and over the
moral basis for progressive taxation. They have to overcome the outrageous
conservative myth that wealthy people have amassed their wealth all by
The truth is that the wealthy have received more from
America than most Americans — not just wealth but the infrastructure that has
allowed them to amass their wealth: banks, the Federal Reserve, the stock
market, the Securities and Exchange Commission, the legal system,
federally-sponsored research, patents, tax supports, the military protection of
foreign investments, and much much more. American
taxpayers support the infrastructure of wealth accumulation. It is only fair
that those who benefit most should pay their fair share.
Reframing is telling the truth as we see it – telling
it forcefully, straightforwardly, articulately, with moral conviction and
without hesitation. The language must fit the conceptual reframing — a
reframing from the perspective of Democratic morality. It is not just a matter
of words, though the right words do help evoke a Democratic frame: paying their
fair share, those who have received more, the infrastructure of wealth, and so
Reframing requires a rewiring of the brain. That may
take an investment of time, effort, and money. The conservatives have realized
that. They made the investment and it is paying off. Moral: The truth alone
will not set you free. It has to be framed correctly.
Taxation is not an affliction. The president's tax
cuts will not create jobs. These are truths, but negating them as we just did
just reinforces his frames. The right framing for the truth must be available
and used for the truth be heard.
If the truth doesn't fit the
existing frame, the frame will stay in place and the truth will dissipate.
It takes time and a lot of repetition for frames to
become entrenched in the very synapses of people's brains. Moreover, they have
to fit together in an overall coherent way for them to make sense.
Effective framing on a single issue must be both
right and sensible. That is, it must fit into a system of frames (to be
sensible) and must fit one's moral worldview (to be right).
Framing vs.
Every word comes with one or more frames. Most frames
are unconscious and have just developed naturally and
haphazardly and have come into the public's mind through common use. But, over the past 40 years, conservative Republicans —
using the intellectuals in their think tanks — have consciously and
strategically crafted an overall conservative worldview, with a conservative
moral framework. They have also invested heavily in language — in two ways:
The Rockridge Institute
advises against the use of deceptive language and we will not engage in it. We belief that honest framing both accords with Democratic values
and is the most effective strategy overall.
An Example
There is a bill being introduced in the
The question arose as to what to call it. The issue
is still not settled. Names suggested were "Play or Pay," Healthy
Workers," and so on. "Play or Pay" frames it as the unions
strong-arming all employers into paying. "Healthy Workers" sounds
like socialist realism. The issue is not settled, but I have proposed
"Earned Care." The idea is simple: If you work, part of what you earn
is affordable health care.
It fits our belief system as Democrats
that health care is earned by people who work. Naming
matters. The naming of legislation should reflect our values.
to "Tort Reform" in
Conservatives have been battering progressives on
what they have framed as "tort reform" – legislation to cap awards in
tort cases. They have been most aggressive in
Litigation Lottery, Lawsuit Abuse, Lawsuit Abuse Tax,
Frivolous Lawsuits, Greedy Trial Lawyers, Out of Control Juries, Runaway
Juries, Jackpot Awards
The term "reform" is
defined in the Corruption Frame, "lottery" in the Gambling
Frame, and so on. Opposites are defined with respect to the frame, but given
opposite values, one positive, the other, negative.
When you say your opponent is frivolous, it is rhetorically
implied that you are the opposite, serious. If your opponent is a
gambler, then you are fiscally responsible. And so on. That's
how Republicans were framing Democrats.
These words evoke frames that, as they are used in context, evoke conservative values:
You alone are
responsible for happens to you.
You shouldn't get what you haven't earned.
You should be
disciplined, prudent, orderly.
We crafted a response that
allowed the trial lawyers to take the moral high ground — in a way that fit
what they believe. We took out a copy of Moral Politics and listed progressive
values. Then we followed a systematic procedure:
how the issue looks from a progressive moral perspective:
Tort law is the public's last defense
against irresponsible, if not downright immoral, corporate behavior
that harms the public. It is only the threat of huge punitive damages that has
any effect on companies that put profit ahead of public health and well-being.
Without that threat — with a small cap on awards — irresponsible companies can
fold the relatively low cost of potential lawsuits into the cost of doing
business and go on selling dangerous products unchecked. Public safety requires
keeping the courts open for juries to make awards appropriate not just to the
suffering of the victims, but to the threat to the
public. It is a matter of protection.
The proposal to cap awards would effectively take the
power to punish away from juries, and would make it hard for those harmed to
sue, since lawyers would have a financial disincentive to take such a case.
This would have the practical effect of closing off the courts to those seeking
redress from corporate harm. Justice requires open courts.
The fundamental progressive values are:
We are empathetic; we
care about people.
Be responsible
Help, Don't Harm
Protect the powerless
These led to the following language to describe
conservative Republicans and the relevant corporations in this case:
The Corporate
Immunity Act;
Corporate Raid on
Accountability Crisis;
Closed Courts;
The New Untouchables;
Rewards Greed and
Protects the guilty,
punishes the innocent.
Taking this moral-based approach
changes both how you think as well as talk about tort cases and open
Talk about Responsibility instead of Victimhood; about Accountability instead of Grievances;
about Citizens instead of Consumers; about Open Courts instead of Money.
Conceptual, and Moral Framing
Communication itself comes with a frame. The elements
of the Communication Frame include: A message, an
audience, a messenger, a medium, images, a context, and especially,
higher-level moral and conceptual frames. The choice of language is, of course,
vital, but it is vital because language evokes frames — moral and conceptual
Frames form a system. The system has to be built up over time. It takes a long-range effort.
Conservative think tanks have been at it for 40 years. Most of this system
development involves moral and conceptual frames, not just communicative
frames. Communicative framing involves only the lowest level of framing.
Framing is an art, though cognitive linguistics can
help a lot. It needs to be done systematically.
Negative campaigns should be done
in the context of positive campaigns. To avoid negating the opposition's frame
and thus activating it, do the following: Start with your ideal case of the
issue given. Pick frames in which your ideal case is positively valued. The
contrast will attribute the negatively valued opposite quality to the
opposition as a nightmare case.