Computer Trap
Author And Professor Theodore
Roszak Explores The Folklore Of Computers And Speaks
Critically Of The Money-making Industry Behind The Technology
Interview by
Judith Drake
Theodore Roszak, professor of History
and Chairman of General Studies at
Professor Roszak, while recognizing the
positive aspects of computers, is critical of their misuse. In particular, he
believes that computers undermine the human capacity for critical thinking by
overwhelming basic questions of justice and purpose with “data glut.”
In this interview
Professor Roszak discusses the concept of the
folklore of computers. He examines the meaning of the word “information” and
contrasts the art of thinking with information processing. Professor Roszak then describes some of his major concerns with the
misuse of computers.
Aurora: The
Cult of Information is subtitled the Folklore of Computers and the True
Art of Thinking. What do you mean by the folklore of computers?
With computers, as with every major technology all the way back to the steam
engine, there is always a popular image or understanding of what the technology
is and what it can do. Since the computer first entered public consciousness,
it has been surrounded with images that are made up of
promises, predictions, and speculation. Not all of these come from computer
scientists. We have a large body of science fiction written about computers,
and all of this is part of the public understanding which
leads to such ideas that the computer is an evolving organism, that it may be
smarter than human beings, and that it has the capacity to duplicate the human
mind. I wanted to examine the validity of this folklore and look at who is
creating it.
Roszak: It’s as important. There are a number of technical books,
how-to books, and hands-on-books written by computer scientists. I am not a
technician, an engineer, or a scientist so I didn’t
want to deal specifically with these areas. I wanted to deal more with
politics, sociology, and the popular culture surrounding the computer.
It is a hierarchical difference between two different levels of mental
organization. The folklore I speak of in the subtitle attaches most
significantly to the word information.
Not so long ago, within my
own lifetime, the word information did not have much status in our culture.
It was considered a rather marginal department of intellect, and it had a
modest definition: information is a matter of facts and
figures that usually comes in discrete bundles and answers specific
Information became transformed from that
modest, marginal status to a titanic concept that encompasses all powers of the
human mind. We came to the conclusion that information
processing is essentially, and most significantly, what the human mind does. I
take that to be a weak piece of folklore which the
general public has come to accept, and because of this acceptance, we now use
the word information in many contexts where it doesn’t belong. Perhaps we need
a different word indicating some higher level of intellectual organization.
Information is a scattered body of facts and figures.
Knowledge is some higher level of organization, say the difference between
scattered evidence from experiments and a scientific theory. The theory is
The major division I develop in the book is between information
and ideas. The mind thinks with ideas and not with information. It uses
information, but ideas are ultimately responsible for generating information.
Thinking is learning how to manipulate ideas; therefore, the conclusion might
be reached that education should first of all be
concerned with ideas. We should teach students how to deal with ideas
gracefully, for example, to compare them, to contrast them, to discriminate
among them. All of this is far more important than having access to something
called information. Major ideas in most cultures have nothing whatever to do
with information. For example, the idea that all men are
created equal has nothing to do with information. It is
certainly not based upon research. Teaching children or the public
generally how to deal with powerful ideas like that is the essence of
education, and we lose track of that if we believe that thinking is all about
processing information. The best way to teach people about thinking is to make
them literate in the old-fashioned sense of the word; teach them how to read
and write and speak with critical awareness.
Roszak: I
don’t for a moment deny that computers have their
place as information-processing machines, which is a valuable function in many
walks of life. However, it’s a mistake to say that
education must begin with computer literacy, with access to information. I
think that’s a way of killing thought at an early age.
Computer literacy usually means some kind of hands-on experience in running a
computer and is something that can wait until high school or college.
Kids at the first, second, or third grade don’t
need access to vast amounts of information to learn how to think for themselves
critically. So I have no sympathy for the idea that we
have to get computers into kids’ lives as soon as possible. As
a matter of fact, that would be detrimental. The idea that kids who don’t learn about computers at an early age will be stymied
in their intellectual development and will be unemployable I take to be
propaganda of the computer industry. But that’s not
the same as saying we don’t need computers to help us store and retrieve
information. I take it for granted that we live in an industrial world which in many ways is data intensive, and the computer
helps us store and retrieve all that data more effectively.
One of the things that concerns me in all
discussions of computers is that we are not talking about pure technology, we
are talking about merchandise. Computers are on the market to be sold, and the computer industry will sell them in any way
it can to as many people as it can. If they can convince us that we all need
computers to store our recipes and do our budgets, they’ll
sell us a computer for that purpose. Much of this is degrading to the technology which has far better uses than most home
computers are used for.
Computers can do a very good job of mimicking certain aspects of the human
mind, especially when it comes to information processing.
For example, if you need a phone number, the way we used to do
this is to look it up in the phone book or call information. We have now
realized that it’s a lot faster to leave a job like
that to the computer. The same is true with wanting to know the fastest and
cheapest flight between
The problem sets in when we begin to try to convince ourselves
that levels of thought above that can also be computerized.
Artificial intelligence is based on this thesis that the mental operation of
information processing can be elaborated into higher levels of thought that
involve producing knowledge, interpreting, making judgements and that even
require wisdom and experience. This is nonsense of the most disreputable,
commercial kind.
People in artificial intelligence have been making the promise for
30-some years that they will soon have an information-processing machine that
will be able to do everything the human mind can do. They have not yet come
across with that because the project is a hopeless one.
I think for their own self-serving purposes, people in the
computer industry are often selling. They are trying to sell their technology
by making outlandish promises, and the most outlandish promises come from
people in artificial intelligence. This field is very close to being utterly
fraudulent. Not that I condemn the hypothesis of the field.
The hypothesis is that they could develop the equivalent of the human mind out
of the information-processing model, which is as sensible a hypothesis as Plato or Descartes ever had. I do take strong issue with
these people when they go on to say that it’s not a
hypothesis but a proven fact that within three or five years, we will have
computers that are smarter than human beings. I take that to be
straightforward, commercial hype.
In the
The problem is not that the computer is able to imitate the human mind, but
that we may redesign the tasks of the human mind in such a way that will allow
computers to do them.
You can find this being done in fields like finance and economics
where a great deal of decision making has been reduced
to what computers can do. It’s one of the reasons why the American stockmarket is going absolutely crazy.
A number of important financial and economic decisions have now been entrusted
to very rigid computer programs which simply make
decisions on the basis of facts and figures and not on the basis of mature
judgement about the state of the economy.
Some people are prepared to do the same thing with medical science
by telling us that they can create an expert system to diagnose and prescribe
for illness. Again, what you would have is an expert system
which is a clever compilation of many doctors’ experiences. To entrust
patients to such a machine would be probably as much a disaster in medicine as
it is turning out to be in the stock market.
You can then finally convince the public that matters of war and
peace can be entrusted to a computer’s way of
processing data. What you are doing in all of these cases is reinterpreting the
past, scaling it down to what the computer can do, and then telling the public
that’s adequate. That’s the real problem and not that
the computer will come up to the level of the human mind.
We should think critically about them and my book is one of a few that seeks to
make a strong critical statement of computers.
Of course what we’re up
against here is perhaps a little worse than other fields like biology because
computers belong to a powerful industry which spreads a great deal of money
around, not only in advertising, but also to buy the goodwill and the
acquiescence of academics by giving them free equipment or signing them up in
what are called co-development contracts. They are buying off
their potential opposition so that there will be nobody around who isn’t friendly to the computer industry. Many universities
are now under the impression that they cannot be great universities until they
have created campus-wide computer networks and have a computer on every
professor’s desk. This is a sign that one of the areas that should be critical
about the meaning of thought is being bought and bribed by
the computer industry to lower its critical threshold.
Roszak: A
few years back I wrote a science fiction novel called Bugs, as in
computers, and that was my initial introduction to computers. The Cult of
Information is in many ways the nonfiction
version of that novel, so in effect I have now written twice on the subject. My
other writings talk about industrial technology generally whereas this book
seeks to focus on one hot new technology in particular. I have probably said
all I have to say about its misapplication and abuses, and I am not sure that I
have much more to contribute on this subject.
by Theodore Roszak
The Cult of Information.
Beamwatcher. Garden City, New York Doubleday, 1985.
Garden City, New York: Doubleday, 1981.
Person/Planet: The Creative
Disintegration of Industrial Society.
Garden City, New York: Doubleday, 1978.
Revolutionary Entertainment for the Mind’s Eye Theatre.
Garden City, New York: Anchor Books, 1974.
Unfinished Animal; The
Aquarian Frontier and the Evolution of Consciousness.
New York: Harper & Row, 1975.
Sources: An Anthology of
Contemporary Materials Useful for Preserving Personal Sanity While Braving the
Great Technological Wilderness. Edited
by T.Roszak. New York: Harper & Row, 1972.
The Making of a Counter
Culture. Garden City, New York: Doubleday, 1969.