Citizens Against Human Rights Abuse
was formed by a group of victims of alleged nonconsensual
human experimentation involving electromagnetic and neurological weapon testing
programs by the
The specific objectives and purposes of this corporation shall be:
Targeted Individuals page greatly expanded
A paper entitled, On the Need for new Criteria of Diagnosis of Psychosis in the Light of Mind Invasive Technology, by Carole Smith, now published by internet Journal of Psycho-Social Studies at
CAHRA's work is cited in the article. This is a breakthrough, milestone paper. Thank you Carole!
Mary Ann
Stratton's July, 2003 Controlled America Conference
Best video
Overview of the issue of mind control and CAHRA website
of Organization
of Organization
Overview of the issue of mind control and CAHRA website
reports on data to support scientific basis of psychotronic
Quantum Mind 2003 - Consciousness, Quantum Physics and the Brain Conference (
International Coalition Formed
Russian Psychotronics Book Translation Project
Golgotha by by N.I. Anisimov,
Protestors' photos, from the book, with comparisons to U.S. protestors
1999 Russian book
on psychotronic weapons by L.I. Terehova,
2001 Results
Letter of
Appeal to World Community from Russian human rights group
federal law on electromagnetic weapons
Draft law
with detailed descriptions of psychotronic weapons,
Nov. 2000.
(Many thanks to the generous translation work of Ramon Ruelas.)
For full Media Guide see
Cahra is listed on page 25, or see excerpt here. Media
Guide cites
Welsh article "Non-lethal weapons-A global issue" at
2001 Model United Nations Conference at
Cahra's work endorsed by Dr. Eldon Byrd
statement about "mind control" by NIH (National Institute of
Health) physician
Dr. Eldon Byrd 2002 letter of corroboration of NIH md. statement about mind control
Legislative assistant also corroborates md's statement about mind control but will not go public for the above reason. Investigative reporter strangely drops his mind control research. Dr. Byrd has no further information. The evidence is out there so please support Cahra with your donations.
News by Steven Aftergood, FAS, cites Cahra
Notice to Study Participants
Dr. Eldon Byrd Has
First ever scientific
study of mind control victims conducted by a scientist is completed, August
Letter from Eric M. Meslin, Ph.D. of the NBAC
Articles by Cheryl Welsh
1. Hi-tech intelligence tools. -Yet another Classified Intelligence Program. Similar to the FBI Cointelpro Program.
2. Timeline of Significant Event in the History of Electromagnetic and Mind Control Technology
3. Electromagnetic and Mind Control Technology Ex-Con Plans Class Action Suit, Claims Prisoners Brainwashed Former Prisoner Raises Question of Mind Control
4. New 2002 Evidence confirms San Quentin ex-prisoner's 1960s claim of mind control experiment
5. Fact Sheet and Targeted Individuals. Allegations match electromagnetic weapons technology. Further investigation is needed.
7. Nonlethal Weapons - A Global Issue
8. International Documents in Support of Claims of the Existence of Electromagnetic Anti-Personnel Weapons
9. Book: The 1950s Secret
Discovery of the Code of the Brain --
10. Book: The ability to control your mind is a military/intelligence capability: 2000 update and International campaign
11. Cell phones and military radiation controversy
12. Electromagnetic Weapons: As Powerful As The Atomic Bomb
13. List of mind control symptoms...
14. Best video documentaries...
Contacting C.A.H.R.A.
Refer to Mind Control
Forum for further information.
Special AssignmentKOVR 13 / SPECIAL ASSIGNMENT/ STORY Do you believe in government mind control?
Imagine everywhere you go, someone is watching you, reading your thoughts, and controlling your mind. Periodically over the past several decades, we've heard of situations when
Imagine everywhere you go, someone is watching you, reading your thoughts, and controlling your mind. Pictures "Courtesy of KOVR13 News" |
Cover page from Psychotronic
Golgotha, Three protest signs, left to right: 1. Psychotronic Genocide is the work of the Central Committee Communist Party! Nuremberg-2 Inevitable! 2.
SOS! 3. No psychotronic weapons! no psychofascism! Psychotronic Golgotha by by
N.I. Anisimov, 1999 |
Tom McClelland, Contact Tom at for future public awareness opportunities. |
Citizens Against
Human Rights Abuse
By Neurological and Electromagnetic Weapons
Please refer to Mind Control Forum for networking. If you would like to be on Cahra's mailing list, please send your contact information. Cahra is an IRS approved nonprofit organization and donations are tax deductible.
Cheryl Welsh
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