Although I refer frequently in this article
to the "official story," there really isn't, technically speaking, an official
story of what happened at the Pentagon that day. What there is instead is an
officially encouraged, and notably vague, group consensus -- a consensus shaped
and reinforced by Washington's political and media institutions, which have
carefully avoided fleshing out too many details. This strategy is apparently
intended to disarm critics, since it is much harder to point out the lies and
absurdities in the official story if that official story has never been formally
What the (un)official story says is that Flight 77, flying at
a high rate of speed while mere feet off the ground, plowed into the side of the
Pentagon at about 9:38 AM on the morning of September 11, 2001. Initial
statements indicated that the only components of the aircraft to survive the
impact and subsequent fire were the black boxes and a single landing light. The
black boxes have never been turned over to civilian authorities and their
contents have never been publicly revealed.
The failure to recover the
rest of the aircraft was unofficially attributed to the fact that the entire
plane was vaporized by the fire. Let me repeat that:
the aircraft was vaporized by the fire. Not
just melted into a pool of molten metal, mind you, but literally boiled away!
Over 100 tons of metal, including two five-ton aircraft engines!
it should be obvious to any thinking person, it must be stated here anyway: a
hydrocarbon fire cannot possibly burn at the temperatures required to even melt
a 100 ton aircraft, let alone actually
it. That such an absurd notion was even floated out there for public
consumption indicates that Washington officials were desperately seeking any
explanation, no matter how preposterous, for the complete lack of aircraft
wreckage recovered from the Pentagon.
While the aircraft did not survive
the ordeal, the remains of the passengers allegedly did. All but a handful were
purportedly positively identified through forensic analysis. Apparently the fire
in the Pentagon burned hot enough to vaporize steel aircraft engines, but not
hot enough to cremate human remains. Sounds reasonable to me. (
attack on the Pentagon reportedly damaged an enormous chunk of office space, and
yet, curiously, only 125 people were killed on the ground, with another 80
seriously injured. As in New York, initial casualty estimates were substantially
higher. Demolition and reconstruction began almost immediately, and within a
year, some of the newly rebuilt offices were already ready for
Some later reports indicated that Flight 77 had not actually
been vaporized, but was in fact largely recovered and reconstructed. Such claims
have never been formally confirmed or denied by Washington officials. To date,
there is no compelling evidence indicating that any aircraft debris was
recovered from any part of the Pentagon.
Many questions have been left
unanswered by the official story of the attack. For example, how could hijackers
possibly have known that they would be able to fly unmolested for some 300 miles
while headed directly into the heart of the nation's capital, through the most
tightly controlled airspace in the world -- and do it not in a surprise attack,
while the nation's defenses were sleeping, but rather while the country was on
the highest state of alert, and actually
anticipating the attack? ... while the whole
world was watching, and all the broadcast and cable television networks were
providing play-by-play coverage?
Wouldn't it have made far more sense for
the Pentagon to be the first target struck, utilizing the element of surprise,
considering that the home of U.S. military forces is obviously a little better
defended than the World Trade Center? Wouldn't the logical way to implement the
assault have been to hit the military command center first, then strike the
civilian targets while the military was attempting to regroup and secure
Washington? You would think that even a third-rate terrorist would know that,
let alone a terrorist superstar like Osama bin Laden.
Another question
that has been raised is why there has never been any film or videotape released
depicting an airplane approaching, or crashing into, the Pentagon. As the home
of Uncle Sam's military machine, the Pentagon is quite obviously one of the most
secure buildings in the world. It is under constant surveillance by multiple
closed-circuit cameras. In addition to the Pentagon's own footage, surveillance
cameras at a Sheraton hotel and a Citgo gas station were also positioned to
record the 'crash.' Tape from both cameras was reportedly quickly seized by the
FBI. None of the footage has ever seen the light of day. And despite the fact
that an unusually high number of media personnel claimed that they witnessed the
attack, no photographs or videotape of the attack have ever been released by any
media outlet. With the exception of one notorious image that is purported to be
a frame from a tape from one of the Pentagon's CCTV cameras, there is no
photographic evidence of any airplane, of any size, flying in the vicinity of,
approaching, or crashing into, the Pentagon.

These five images, purportedly 'leaked' by a
Pentagon source, have been analyzed endlessly by researchers. According to
various accounts, the first frame depicts one of the following about to slam
into the Pentagon: a Boeing 757; a smaller passenger plane; a military jet, such
as an F-15; a pilotless drone; a missile; or a missile and a jet. Which of those
you, as an objective reviewer of the evidence, see in frame #1 will probably
largely depend upon (a) your level of sleep deprivation; and (b) the quantity,
and variety, of illicit drugs you have consumed.
There are any number of
curious anomalies in these images, perhaps the most obvious of which is the fact
that the date/time stamps, added after the fact, are off by about thirty-two
hours. The second frame differs from the other four in a number of ways: it is
brighter, shifted slightly to the left, and obscured in both upper corners. The
second frame also has the same time stamp, 17:37:19, as the first frame, though
it obviously wasn't taken at the same time.
Some researchers, by the way,
have claimed that the time stamps indicate a tape speed of 100 frames per
second, which these same researchers have noted is extremely unlikely. These
people apparently never learned how to tell time, so let me clue them in: the
difference between 17:37:22 and 17:37:23 is one second, not 1/100 of a second.
Time, you see, is generally recorded as hours:minutes:seconds. But no one should
let that stop them from making stupid claims that further discredit the field of
9-11 research.
Another curious feature of the images can be observed by
focusing your attention on the upper left corner of each frame -- the area where
it looks like Bob Guccione snuck by and spread a little Vaseline on the camera
lens. As can be clearly seen, the pattern of condensation drops (or whatever
they are) is quite consistent in frames #1, #4, and #5, but much different in
frames #2 and #3, as though the drops began to disperse and then inexplicably
returned to their original configuration. Another curiosity is that the
helicopter support structure that can be seen in silhouette in front of the
fireball in frames #3 and #4 is incongruously painted a bright orange in frame
What then are we to make of these images? Only one of the five
purportedly shows an airplane about to crash, and it is of such poor quality
that it is not possible to perform any sort of meaningful analysis. There is
little question that the images have been manipulated in various ways, rendering
them all but useless for shedding any light on what happened at the Pentagon on
September 11, 2001. The most likely scenario is that these doctored photos were
'leaked' quite deliberately for the express purpose of further muddying the
waters. We will therefore treat these images with the respect that they deserve
-- which is to say, we will pretty much ignore them.

Unlike the
actual 'crash,' there is plenty of photographic evidence of the aftermath of the
attack. Virtually none of it supports the official story. Nothing that can be
confirmed as aircraft debris is visible in any of the photographs that have
found their way into the public domain. Photos do reveal, and Pentagon officials
have acknowledged, that the initial penetration into the side of the building
was not nearly large enough to account for the wingspan of a Boeing 757-200
aircraft (actually, the penetration wasn't even large enough to account for the
fuselage of a 757). In fact, all the available photos reveal that the initial
damage to the front facade of the Pentagon, after the alleged crash but before
the collapse that occurred about a half-hour later, was relatively minor. And
the impact apparently did not generate enough explosive force to even displace
the wire spools just below the alleged point of impact.

pre-collapse photos reveal that the front wall of the Pentagon remained
remarkably intact after the initial impact. Pentagon officials, and defenders of
the official story, have claimed that the small entry wound made by the alleged
plane was the result of the fact that the aircraft's wings were either sheared
off or folded back on impact, and that only the fuselage entered the building --
becoming, in effect, a very large missile. That would be a much more
plausible claim if a 757 did not have very large wings that would be clearly
visible in these photographs if they had in fact been sheared off as the
fuselage entered the building. Attached to those wings are two engines, each
about 9 feet in diameter, 21 feet long, and weighing nearly five tons. The
official story doesn't really bother to account for them.
enterprising soul put together a composite image that illustrates, more clearly
than any other image that I have come across, the fundamental absurdity of the
official story of the crash of Flight 77. Seen below is an actual photo of the
Pentagon, over which is overlaid both a properly scaled image of the
pre-collapse damage to the facade on September 11, and a properly scaled image
of a Boeing 757-200 aircraft.
Perfectly obvious in this composite photo is that the actual
impact damage to the Pentagon was
entirely inconsistent with the crash of a large passenger plane. Also obvious is
that even if we accept the dubious notion that the plane's fuselage disappeared
within the building, some very large aircraft parts seem to be unaccounted for
-- like the two wings, the two engines, and the three tail fins.

Nevertheless, the official story claims that the plane did in fact
impact the Pentagon exactly as depicted in the above photo, as can be seen in
the graphic to the right, which was used by Pentagon spokesmen during a post-911
press briefing. As can be seen in the graphic, Flight 77 allegedly plowed
through three of the five concentric rings that make up the Pentagon, coming to
rest completely within the complex of buildings. According to various 911
gatekeepers, that is why there is no aircraft debris visible on the lawn outside
the alleged point of impact (such as in the photo to the left). Also missing,
needless to say, is any indication that a 100 ton aircraft performed a
gymnastics floor routine on that lawn before slamming into the side of the
After the collapse, there was still no aircraft wreckage
visible, as can be seen in these post-collapse photos -- the center one taken
just after the collapse, while the fire still burned, and the other two taken
after clean-up efforts were underway. According to the 911 gatekeepers, the
remains of the aircraft were at that time still buried beneath the collapsed
building. Fair enough. That seems to be a reasonable enough claim -- except for
the fact that only the outer ring of the Pentagon collapsed, while the plane,
according to the official story, penetrated through two additional rings,
neither of which collapsed, and neither of which yielded any verifiable aircraft
debris. And if any aircraft debris was later found buried beneath the collapsed
portion of the Pentagon, no one bothered to document it with