So what really did happen at the Pentagon on
September 11, 2001? When I began writing this piece - just a couple short weeks
ago, though it seems much longer - I was leaning towards a scenario that
involved a missile fired into the point of entry (to create the initial
penetration, the facade damage, and the fireball), combined with explosives
placed within the building, possibly quite hastily, to create all of the
following: the collapse of "E" ring (necessary to hide the fact that no plane
actually entered the building); much of the destruction along the 'path of
travel'; and the alleged 'exit' hole.
In other words, my theory was that
both a missile (possibly fired by a passing jet, assuming that some of the
witness reports, and the air traffic controller reports, were accurate) and
supplemental explosives were used to simulate, albeit rather poorly, the crash
of a passenger plane. That would explain, among other things, why "secondary
explosions and plumes of smoke" were reported by witnesses to
Post reporters.
is that what really happened? The reality is that we will likely never know what
really happened at the Pentagon that morning. As at the site of the World Trade
Center towers, all evidence was quickly bulldozed away. And even if it hadn't
been, we would not likely have learned what secrets lay buried in the rubble. We
are talking here, after all, about the Pentagon, which isn't the kind of place
that a truly independent investigator could have wandered into to take a look
We will never know which aspects, if any, of the alleged CCTV
images are legitimate. Nevertheless, a number of investigators on both sides of
the debate have spent countless hours attempting to prop up the images as
'proof' either that a 757 did hit the Pentagon, or that a 757 did not hit the
Pentagon, when neither conclusion can ever be drawn from grainy, low-resolution
images that have clearly been doctored.
We will never have any way of
verifying the accuracy of the purported damage report. Was there really
extensive structural damage extending well beyond "E" ring? The report says
there was, but numerous aerial photos of the buildings reveal little indication
of such damage lying within. Even the two-story buildings, amazingly enough,
were able to completely conceal the extensive damage.
We really don't
know, with any certainty, how many of the 'witness' reports are fraudulent
accounts planted in the media. Many of the witnesses were themselves members of
the Washington press corps, whose primary function is parroting government lies.
We also don't know how many of the reports are more a reflection of what the
witnesses wanted to see than what they actually did see. Any major event, after
all, will draw out 'witnesses' driven by a desire to be a part of history in the
There have been, to date, around 150 published witness reports,
with roughly a third of those witnesses claiming to have seen something
impacting the Pentagon. The majority of the accounts do not strictly conform to
the official story. Indeed, perhaps what is most surprising about the witness
accounts of the attack on the Pentagon - considering the magnitude of the event,
and the fact that, by 9:38 AM on the morning of September 11, 2001, more than a
few people in Washington were nervously scanning the skies for signs of errant
aircraft - is that there aren't a lot more of them.
Some investigators
seem to have spent countless hours constructing elaborate theories around
multiple witness reports that not only contradict each other, but contradict the
photographic evidence as well. The effort seems rather pointless, given that
anyone can cherry-pick from the available 'witness' reports to validate any
number of theories -- just as I did at the top of this post.
It has
occurred to me, as I've been mulling over the evidence, that maybe that is the
ultimate goal -- to deliberately render the evidence so ambiguous and
indecipherable that it becomes impossible to construct a logical and coherent
theory that accounts for all the known 'evidence.' If no alternative scenario
can be constructed that won't be immediately attacked for ignoring some aspect
of the 'evidence,' then the official story, by default, becomes the
It was almost certainly realized, very early on, that the Flight
77 fable wasn't going to stand up to the slightest bit of scrutiny. The official
story, such as it is, cannot really be defended directly, so a very deliberate
effort has been made to thoroughly muddy the waters and render the available
evidence hopelessly ambiguous and inconclusive.
Nevertheless, even
through the fog it is perfectly obvious that the one conclusion that can be
drawn is that it was not a Boeing 757 passenger jet that caused the damage to
the Pentagon on the morning of September 11, 2001. What evidence, after all,
supports the official story? A smattering of witness reports, to be sure, but
those are contradicted by other witness reports and by virtually all of the
photographic evidence. In addition to the witness reports, there is the
extremely dubious, and unverifiable, forensic identification of the passengers.
Then there is the official damage report, which is supposed to support the
official story, but in reality reports damage that couldn't possibly have been
inflicted by a passenger plane. The only other aspects of the evidence that
support the official story are the notorious clipped-off light poles, and the
widely circulated photos that purportedly depict aircraft debris in and outside
the Pentagon.
* * * * * * * * * *
The Flight 77
story has been vocally defended by more than a few 911 'skeptics,' some of whom
have shown a curious willingness to toss credibility and consistency out the
door when necessary. Michael Rivero, of
WhatReallyHappened.Com, provides a
good case study.

explain the lack of aircraft wreckage outside the Pentagon, Rivero presents a
single post-collapse photo (left) and claims that the aircraft "slid INTO the
building, into the first floor space, starting a fire in the first floor,
whereupon the upper floors later collapsed down onto the remains of the
aircraft. Most of the aircraft wreckage is therefore under the collapsed roof
section in the photo."
A few paragraphs later, Rivero reveals that
"aircraft are relatively fragile objects due to weight considerations." I was
shocked by that revelation, having been fooled into believing that aircraft had
to be pretty sturdy to withstand years of exposure to the stresses of things
like sudden and extreme weather changes, heavy turbulence, and icing. But I
guess not. According to Rivero, "jet aircraft ... are, if you think about it,
mostly filled with air, like an aluminum balloon."
I'm not entirely sure
that Rivero understands the difference between a blimp and an airplane, but I
hate to stop him when he's on a roll, so let's listen and learn as he compares a
commercial aircraft to a glass Christmas tree ornament: "Take a glass Christmas
ornament and hurl it against a brick wall. Do you get a round opening in the
brick wall the size of the ornament? No, of course not. Neither will an aluminum
plane leave a clean outline of itself crashing into concrete. In the case of the
plane, there are subassemblies which are heavy and solid, such as the engines,
the frames supporting the landing gear, cockpit avionics, the potable water
tanks, APU, etc. On impact, these would break loose from the aircraft and
continuing forward, produce smaller holes."
Uhmm ... but what happened to
the plane sliding into the building? Rivero has inadvertently provided a
wonderful example here of the impossibility of defending the official story
while maintaining even a hint of credibility. To explain the lack of aircraft
wreckage outside the Pentagon, he claims that the plane slid into the building
and was then buried under rubble. But then, just a few paragraphs later, while
struggling to explain the lack of an entry wound, he makes the completely
contradictory claim that the plane essentially blew apart on impact.

In the same
post, Rivero makes a bold claim about the pile of indeterminate debris
identified by the red rectangle in the photo above. "The Pentagon is a building
mostly made of concrete and wood," Rivero writes, "Yet here is a pile of
crumpled aluminum debris, and clearly seen mixed in with it are pieces of
luggage. Since the Pentagon itself does not travel, we can conclude that the
luggage (and the aluminum shards mixed with them) are part of the remains of the
passenger jet which hit the Pentagon."
I have to concede that I
apparently do not have the visual acuity of a Michael Rivero, so it is not
entirely clear to me how he could have possibly determined that what we are
looking at is "aluminum debris," let alone the remains of a passenger airplane.
I'm also a little unclear on which pieces of debris are luggage and which are
aircraft parts. It's hard to tell when everything is carelessly jumbled together
like that, and shoved around by that Bobcat visible in the foreground. But that
is, of course, exactly the kind of respect that we would expect would be shown
for the personal effects of the Pentagon victims. Hell, for all we know, they
might have even tossed some bodies in the pile. In fact, it would be fair to say
that the human remains in the pile can be identified with the same level of
certainty as the pieces of luggage and aircraft debris in the pile.
conclusion that can be safely drawn from this photo is that the materials in the
pile, whatever they may be, were removed from the building through the open
entry door that the debris is piled just outside of. And that door quite
obviously does not lead into the portion of the Pentagon that was allegedly hit
by the plane. In addition to that, the plane, according to Rivero, is still
lying buried beneath the collapsed portion of the building. How, one wonders,
was all this alleged wreckage recovered before excavation had even begun on the
collapsed portion of the Pentagon?
Joe Vialls displays the very same
photo and makes more outlandish claims about the pile of debris: "Which bits of
the pile are which bits of American Airlines Flight 77 you had best decide
for yourself, because there are lots of bits to choose from ... Though most of
the Boeing 757 was still in the Pentagon basement [or even below it] on that
date, only three days after the crash, there is already enough scrap metal on
the pile to construct a pair of fighter aircraft from scratch. And because this
aircraft wreckage utterly destroys the French conspiracy, they failed to show it
to you. Worse than that. The French deliberately edited it out completely, so
you would be unable to reach your own conclusions."
Those goddamn French!
Unlike those "
wine-swilling Parisians," as
Vialls refers to them, I have no problem displaying the photo. In fact, unlike
Vialls and Rivero (and numerous others), I have tried to present here a
representative sampling of
all the
photographic evidence, even some that I consider to be fraudulent and/or too
grainy and ambiguous to be of any value. That, you see, is what enables people
to reach their own conclusions.
You may find yourself wondering, by the
way, how in the world Flight 77 could have ended up in the Pentagon's basement.
The answer, according to Vialls, is that the plane actually dive-bombed into the
Pentagon, barreling straight down into the bowels of the building. And it did
so, amazingly enough, without leaving any penetrations in the roof of the
complex. Vialls has boldly opted to blaze his own trail on this one,
disregarding pretty much all of the available evidence. He has also failed to
explain how aircraft debris was excavated from the basement without disturbing
the mountain of concrete lying on top of it.
Moving on, I am required by
the Fairness Doctrine to show you some additional photos that allegedly depict
aircraft debris. However, it is my understanding that the doctrine places no
restrictions on my right to thoroughly mock and ridicule this alleged evidence.
We will begin with the alleged debris that was photographed either in "C" ring
or in the walkway between "C" ring and "B" ring, and then we will move on to the
notorious piece of debris allegedly left on the Pentagon lawn. Like the alleged
aircraft debris presented by Rivero and Vialls, none of this alleged debris has
ever been officially acknowledged -- which seems rather odd, since you would
assume that the Washington gang would be eager to embrace any evidence that
supposedly lends credence to the official story.

First up we
have this wheel, reportedly photographed outside the infamous 'exit' hole in "C"
ring. It is claimed to be part of the landing gear of a Boeing 757. Also
photographed in the walkway between "B" and "C" rings is a grainy black object
alleged to be the tire that was once mounted to that wheel. Of course, it is
impossible to ascertain whether the object to the right is a tire at all, let
alone a tire from the landing gear of a 757, just as it isn't really possible to
verify where the photo to the left was actually taken. If we accept that the
items are what they are claimed to be, and that they were photographed outside
of "C" ring, and that they weren't planted there, then we must also accept that
not only can lightweight aircraft parts smash their way through literally dozens
of concrete and steel barriers, but they can emerge from such an ordeal nearly
intact and in readily recognizable form. Who knew that alloy rims and rubber
tires were actually tougher than multiple layers of concrete, steel, brick, and

Next up is
the photo to the right, which depicts ... uhhh, I have to be honest here -- I
have no clue what it is supposed to be. Some kind of manifold or something. And
it was discovered ... uhmm, somewhere in the Pentagon, I suppose, but that can't
actually be determined from the photo. Obviously then it must be debris from
Flight 77. To the left, jutting out prominently from a pile of indeterminate
debris, and obviously better lit and in much sharper focus than other alleged
interior shots of alleged aircraft debris, is what is claimed to be yet another
component of a Boeing 757's apparently indestructible landing gear.
Similar grainy photos of indeterminate origin can be found on
various websites devoted to bolstering the official story through the use of
unofficial 'evidence.' None of the photos depict any large pieces of actual,
identifiable aircraft wreckage. Even if all the of the photos did actually
depict debris from a 757, and if all that debris was actually found inside the
Pentagon, then a few hundred pounds of Flight 77 has been accounted for. That
leaves well over 100 tons unaccounted for -- plus all the passengers and crew,
since none of the photos, strangely enough, depict any human remains mixed in
with the aircraft debris.

We now turn
our attention to these infamous images, which I like to call the "is it an
airplane or is it a soda can?" photos. This immaculately preserved piece
of debris, lovingly photographed by a writer for
Navy Times, but ignored by everyone else on
the scene, is purportedly a portion of American Airlines Flight 77. Despite
having endured both a 450 mile per hour (the speed varies in various accounts)
impact into dense concrete, and the massive fireball that resulted from that
impact, this purported aircraft wreckage, sitting all by itself, far from the
alleged point of impact, doesn't appear to be charred in the least. After these
photos were taken, the mysterious debris was never seen again, nor ever
mentioned in any official accounts of the alleged crash.
That is kind of
a shame, when you think about it, because it might have been nice to have a
piece of history like that displayed in a museum or something. Perhaps the
Smithsonian might have been able to find it a suitable home. Better yet, it
could have been mounted on a granite base and planted on the Pentagon lawn,
exactly where it sits, as a permanent memorial to the victims of the September
11 attacks.
Some researchers have claimed that it is actually just one of
many pieces of aircraft debris visible in these two photos. Behind it, some say,
lies a large 'debris field' of shredded aircraft parts. It seems far more
likely, however, that the debris closer to the building, which the emergency
personnel are freely trampling over, is nothing more than shattered pieces of
the building's limestone veneer, a considerable amount of which was blasted
All of this photographic evidence of alleged debris appears to have
been 'unofficially,' but actually quite deliberately, leaked. The goal appears
to be to silence critics of the official 9-11 narrative while carefully avoiding
officially acknowledging the existence of the alleged debris. The reason for
such a strategy is obvious: Washington cannot acknowledge the existence of what
are purported to be random bits and pieces of the aircraft without admitting
that it cannot account for the other 99.9% of the wreckage.

Last on the
evidence list is the ever-popular 'toppled light pole' evidence. To bring those
of you unfamiliar with all the minutiae of the Pentagon attack up to date, the
757 that allegedly hit the Pentagon allegedly clipped off five light poles on
its way to doing so. And those light poles, of course, were directly in line
with the trajectory of the plane established by the entry and exit wounds in the
Pentagon and the reported pattern of internal structural damage. Toss in a pinch
of debris and a handful of dubious witness statements, stir the whole thing up
real good, and you have an open-and-shut case -- to a casual observer unaware of
the fact that neither the entry hole nor the exit hole could have possibly been
created by the crash of a Boeing 757.

The light
pole evidence is considered by some researchers to be a crucial piece of the
puzzle, because it allegedly establishes three things: the trajectory of the
plane on its approach to the Pentagon; the approximate wingspan of the plane
(based on the spacing of the poles); and the plane's extremely low approach
altitude. The toppled light poles, however, are problematic in a number of

As can be seen
in these photos, these were very sturdy poles that appear to have been ripped
cleanly away from their foundations without doing substantial damage to the
bases of the posts. You would think that if a 100+ ton metal object traveling at
hundreds of miles per hour impacted a steel light pole, it might, at the very
least, maybe dent the pole, or perhaps bend it a little bit. In other words, you
would think that there would be some kind of impact scar visible on the toppled
pole. You would also think that there might be signs of extreme stress at base
of the pole, where it had presumably been securely bolted to a concrete footing
before being violently torn loose. But you would be mistaken in those
You might also conclude that if an airplane hit a sturdy
steel light pole with enough force to cleanly uproot it, the impact might do
some pretty serious damage to the airplane -- maybe take off part of a wing, or
disable an engine, or rip a hole in the fuselage. But again you would be
mistaken, just as you would be mistaken if you were to assume that an enormous,
unwieldy passenger plane already flying in an exceedingly dangerous and unlikely
manner would almost certainly crash after hitting just one light pole, let alone
five in a row. Consider that an airplane with a 125 foot wingspan flying just 20
feet or so off the ground has very little margin for error. Even a relatively
minor tilt to one side or the other would result in one of the wing tips hitting
the ground, thus precipitating a very messy crash that would have left the area
littered with large pieces of aircraft wreckage.

According to
the approach path graphic, both wings of the plane clipped light poles, three on
the left side and two on the right side. And yet, amazingly enough, the pilot
was able to maintain perfect control of his aircraft, completing a perfectly
stable, high-speed, ground-level approach that would have been all but
impossible even in a 757 that had not suffered any damage to its wings and
engines. According to some accounts, the right wing of the plane also impacted a
large generator on the approach path.
As is apparent from the height of
the light poles, an airplane flying low enough to clip them with its wings would
have been all but scraping its engines across the roofs of the cars on the
highway. And, sure enough, there is at least one witness report of the plane
actually clipping off the antenna of a Jeep Grand Cherokee.
enough, some researchers have actually tailored their Pentagon theories to
account for this alleged evidence, but I have no idea why. Are these theorists
really that naive, or do they just pretend to be? Is it not perfectly obvious
that this so-called evidence is patently absurd? How much thrust do you suppose
is required to get a fully-loaded, 100+ ton aircraft off the ground and then
propel it through the air at 500+ miles per hour? Isn't an aircraft engine
essentially just an immensely powerful fan that is capable of displacing massive
quantities of air and expelling it at an extremely high velocity? Is there
something I am missing here?
Some time ago, I watched an episode of the
television show "Myth Busters" in which one of the myths tested was a story
about a car being literally flipped over by the engine exhaust from a jet
aircraft. As I recall, the test set up by the program's hosts failed to flip the
car, but it did succeed in thoroughly trashing the vehicle. Steel body panels
were literally ripped from the car by the force of the engine, as were the
windows, the hood, the mirrors, and various other parts. While the car remained
standing, it looked very much like it had survived a bomb blast.
The cars
in the light pole photos, on the other hand, are in pristine condition, as are
their drivers. Some pedestrian witnesses, amazingly enough, have actually
claimed that the plane came in so low over their positions that they ducked for
fear of being hit. One such witness, Frank Probst, a retired Army officer, has
claimed that as he dove for the ground, one of the plane's engines passed beside
him, "about six feet away." Probst also claims that he saw the plane clip the
SUV antenna and literally shear the light poles in half.
Frank Probst has
been propped up as a key witness by some defenders of the official story,
despite the fact that his tall tale is contradicted by the photos of the
obviously still intact light poles, and, more importantly, by the fact that Mr.
Probst is still alive. Simply put, if Probst (and various other witnesses) had
been as close to the passing aircraft engines as they claim to have been, they
would not have been witnesses to the tragedy; they would have been additional
* * * * * * * * * *
I have done my best here to present a
reasonably comprehensive review of everything that has been offered up as
'evidence' of what happened at the Pentagon on the morning of September 11,
2001. It is up to each of you, my fearless readers, to decide which aspects of
that evidence is credible, and which is not.
So what did cause the damage
to the Pentagon that morning? Did American Airlines Flight 77 - missing from
radar screens for half an hour, and undetected by America's state-of-the-art air
defense systems - suddenly and inexplicably appear in the skies over Washington?
Did it then, after performing a high speed maneuver normally beyond the
capabilities of a Boeing 757 (according to some witness accounts), begin a high
speed approach to the Pentagon at such a ridiculously low altitude that it
actually clipped a car antenna? Did it cleanly uproot five sturdy steel light
poles, and smash one of its wings into a large generator, and yet still maintain
an arrow-straight, perfectly stable approach to the Pentagon? And did it then
strike the Pentagon with such tremendous force that it was able to cleanly blast
through over 300 feet of angled, reinforced concrete obstructions? And did it do
all of that without anyone documenting it with a single frame of film or
Or was it something else that hit the Pentagon? Can we even
say with any certainty that something did hit the Pentagon? Was it all done with
explosives planted inside, and possibly outside, the building? If so, then what
toppled those light poles? Can we ever hope to find answers to all the
unanswered questions concerning the Pentagon attack? Or is that a hurdle that
has been constructed so as to make it impossible to